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The Classes | Group Judging |
The Order of Judging | Champions and Grand Champions |
Challenge Points | General Specials |
Best of Breed Points |
Show committees must choose at least 7 of the 11 classes. The most common have been underlined. The others are rarely used. Class 9, 9A is used more frequently in the smaller states.
Note: Classes 1-11 dogs, Classes 1A-11A bitches.
Class 1, 1A - BABY PUPPY
for dogs three (3) months and under six (6) months of age. Not eligible for challenge or best of breed.
Class 2, 2A - MINOR PUPPY
for dogs of six (6) and under nine(9) months of age.
Class 3, 3A - PUPPY
for dogs of six (6) and under twelve (12) months of age.
Class 4, 4A - JUNIOR
for dogs of nine (9) and under eighteen (18) months of age.
for dogs of eighteen (18) and under thirty six (36) months of age.
Class 6, 6A - NOVICE
for dogs six (6) months of age or over which have not won a first prize at any Open Parade/Open Show or Championship Show. Baby Puppy excepted.
Class 7, 7A - GRADUATE
for dogs six (6) months of age or over which have not won a Challenge Certificate.
Class 8, 8A - LIMIT
for dogs over twelve (12) months of age which are not Champions, or have not gained sufficient points to qualify as a Champion.
Class 9, 9A - STATE BRED
for dogs six (6) months of age or over, whelped in the State or Territory in which it is exhibited.
for dogs six (6) months of age or over, whelped in Australia.
Class 11, 11A - OPEN
for all dogs six (6) months of age or over, and of a breed or variety recognised by the A.N.K.C.
Neuter classes may be offered and are held after Best of Breed. Neuters compete for Neuter Championship points in each sex.
Classes for Veteran may be offered, and the winners are eligible to compete for challenge points at Specialist and Semi-specialist shows only. Veterans Classes must be a Sweepstakes Class at All Breeds Shows. Brace, Team and Interstate Classes may also be offered as additional classes at Specialist Shows.THE ORDER OF JUDGING
Breeds are judged alphabetically within groups.
BREED JUDGING Return to top
- All dog classes in class order (i.e.. 1 to 11)
- All entries in the class are called into the ring. The judge may ask all the dogs to run around the ring together. The dogs will then be examined. The judge will look at the dogs teeth, run their hands over the dog to check structure, check coat texture and ask the dogs age. The judge will then ask for the dog to be run separately, this may include a triangle and/or an up and back. Once all the dogs have been judged individually the judge may ask for all the dogs to be run together again. The judge will then make their placings from 1st to 3rd.
- Dog challenge.
- All class first place winners (except baby puppy) are called into the ring. The judge may ask all dogs to run around the ring together. The judge may also ask for he dogs to be run separately also. The challenge will be awarded. The challenge winner leaves the ring. All other dogs stay in the ring.
- Second place getter in class is called back to the ring.
- The second place winner from the same class as the challenge winner is called into the ring. The judge may now ask for this dog to be run separately or all the dogs to be run together.
- Reserve dog challenge.
- The judge will now award reserve challenge. All dogs leave the ring.
- All bitch classes in class order. (i.e.. 1A to 11A)
- Same as for dog classes.
- Bitch challenge.
- Same as for dog challenge.
- Second place getter in class is called back to the ring.
- Same as for dogs.
- Reserve bitch challenge.
- Same as for reserve dog challenge.
- Best of breed.
- The dog challenge and bitch challenge winners are called back to the ring. The judge may ask the two dogs to run around the ring together as well as separately The judge will then award Best of Breed. The Best of Breed winner leaves the ring.
- Reserve challenge winner is called back to the ring.
- The reserve challenge winner of the same sex as the Best of Breed winner is called into the ring.
- Runner-up best of breed.
- The judge may ask the two dogs to run around the ring together as well as separately The judge will then award Runner-Up Best of Breed.
- Class of breed run-offs.
- If there are exhibits of both sexes in a class and neither are awarded Best of Breed or Runner-up, there will be class run-offs to determine the best exhibit of breed for that class. For example: If there is a baby puppy dog and a baby puppy bitch. After the Runner-up Best of Breed judging, the two first placed exhibits will be asked to return to the ring. The judge may ask them to run around the ring together. The judge will then select either the dog or the bitch to be the best baby puppy of breed. The best baby puppy of breed will compete for the best baby puppy in group. NOTE: Best of breed and runner-up automatically win their class of breed.
Challenge winners (i.e.. best dog, best bitch) are awarded challenge points. The amount of points is determined by how many entries there were of their sex within their breed.
Challenge winners receive: 5 points. Plus 1 point for every exhibit (of the same sex and same breed) that was judged on the day (absentees not counted), excluding Baby Puppies and including themselves. Up to a maximum of 25 points.
NOTE: Reserve challenge winners receive no points.
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The two challenge winners compete for Best of Breed. The winner of BOB is awarded BOB points
Best of Breed winners receive: 5 points. Plus 1 point for every exhibit of the same breed that was judged on the day (absentees not counted), excluding Baby Puppies and including themselves. Up to a maximum of 25 points. This is not on top of their Challenge points.
NOTE: Runner-up Best of Breed winners receive no additional points.
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The title of Australian Champion is awarded when a dog has received a minimum of 100 points. 25 of which must have been awarded after the dog reached 12 months of age.
The title of Australian Grand Champion is awarded when a dog has received a minimum of 1000 points.
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- All best of breed winners enter the ring in alphabetical order.
- Best in group is judged.
- Best in group winner leaves the ring and the runner-up best of breed winner from that breed enters.
- Runner-up best in group is judged. >
- Classes in group are judged beginning with Baby Puppy, then Minor, etc.
NOTE: Best in Group and Runner-up automatically win their class in group.
Best in Group is awarded further points on top of their Best of Breed points.
Best in group receives 5 points plus 1 point for each entry (dogs and bitches) judged within the group, excluding Baby Puppy and including themselves, up to a maximum of 25 points.
Runner up to best in group is awarded 10 points less than the best in group winner or 6 points whichever is higher.
The points awarded shall not accumulate and shall, in no case, exceed 15 points at any one show for runner up best in group or runner up to best exhibit in show.
NOTE: These points are on top of NOT as well as. The maximum amount of points that a dog can win at any show is 25. I.e.. if a dog won a 6 point challenge and went on to win best in group with an entry of 50 dogs they would receive 25 points or if a dog won a 25 point challenge and went on to win best of group, they would receive 25 points.GENERAL SPECIALS
Order of judging is the same as for groups but with Best in Group winners and Class in Group winners.
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