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This site was built with the intention of establishing a blueprint for a
WORLDWIDE BOXER A Boxer that could compete successfully in any country around the world!
Let me introduce myself. My name is Judy Horton and I am an All Breeds Judge from Melbourne, Australia.
I have been involved with this wonderful breed for over fifty years.
Breeding under the INTRENDS prefix, I have bred numerous champions, many being Specialty and Multi Group winners. Nine of my Boxers have won Best in Show at "All Breeds" shows.
No longer breeding due to my judging commitments, I continue
my efforts to improve the breed by travelling the world giving lectures, and encouraging other breeders to interpret the standard correctly. Judging Boxers around the world gives me the opportunity to see Boxers from many countries and I hope my experiences are reflected on the following pages.
I'm glad you dropped by for a visit!
The information contained in this site is based on an article I wrote a few years ago for the Judges Training Scheme in Australia. If studied carefully it can be a valuable tool for anyone, anywhere in the world, wishing to purchase a Boxer, choosing a Stud or even
when evaluating their own dogs.
On the following pages you will find many photographs of excellent examples of Boxers from Australia, New Zealand, Europe, USA, Canada, UK, South America, Asia and South Africa!
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On all browsers ....if you click on the photograph it will take you directly to the owner's website if one is available!

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| Anatomy
| Famous Sires
| Photo Gallery
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| Differences Around the World
| Body Style Comparisions
| Beautiful Heads
| Eye Shape
| The Skull Shape
| Optical Illusions |
| How Structure affects Movement
| Choosing a Puppy
| Contact Me |
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