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: MOUTH : : EYES : : EARS :
 This beautiful painting of Tenor de Loermo by Dunja Plestenjak Beurier was commissioned by the breeder Ernesto Molins.
Now is the time to go over the dog with your hands. Particular attention should now be paid to the head.
The Boxer standard, even though explicit in the head qualities desired, is also confusing to many people. It is the head that gives judges and breeders alike, the most trouble.
If shown a selection of photographs of different heads, most good judges and breeders would agree which ones were the best. So why is it that head type varies so much?
 A lovely bitch head at 2 years of age. |
 A very nice puppy taken at 7 months of age. |
Notice the arch of skull, depth of muzzle and chin in profile.

Same Female as a puppy and an adult
A good Boxer head should not coarsen as the dog ages.
 Female - 5 years |
 Male - 10 years |

Now consider the head of the dog in front of you.......
Does the size of the head look in balance to his body?
Can you distinguish the gender ... eg does he/she look like a dog/bitch?
Looking down on the head, does the skull merge smoothly into the muzzle?
Does the head give you the impression of a smaller square attached to a larger square?

Are the cheeks muscles smooth and not exaggerated?
Is the chin visible from the front and of correct depth, making the whole muzzle from the front as deep as the width of the muzzle, but not unduly swept up and protruding like an English Bulldog. The chin should NOT be hidden by lips and flews?
(Of course no teeth will be visible!)
Does the muzzle look neither too narrow or too shallow in relation to the skull?
Can you feel bone and substance in the muzzle, not just heavy padding as you lift the flews to look into the mouth. |
 The same also applies to a young puppy. |
Excellent explantions of the mouth
The ABC Illustrated Standard - Mouth
Understanding the Boxer Bite by Monique Hodgkinson 2009(PDF)
 Boxer eye shape resembles a lemon!
More photos of eyes here > > >
Look at the expression.......
Do beautiful dark, almost human, tight rimmed eyes, look straight at you at you with confidence?
Are the eyes set well to the front under a definite brow?
Are the eyes as dark as possible ...if they appear light against the coat colour, they most probably are?
Can you fit your thumb into the deep groove between the eyes (stop)?
Is the tip of the nose slightly higher than the stop in profile?
Is the nose large with well opened nostrils?
From the front when holding the head level, does the top of the nose touch an imaginary line drawn between the corner of the eyes?
Well placed eyes
Unpigmented Third Eyelids
(Please Note: The above two photographs are of the same dog... I have corrected the unpigmented third eyelid only, using Photo Shop!) NB: Thes eyes above are a little loose in lower lid and placed too far apart and are not as frontally placed as the well placed eyes above.
Unpigmented third eyelids (nictitating membrane) can spoil the expression, but are purely a COSMETIC FAULT only, (in the same vein as uneven head markings, uneven brindling, etc).
Some dogs have a large membrane which can look to cover a large part of the eye; others have smaller ones which go almost unnoticed, particularly if the dog has tight eye rims.
(Note:Most breeders prefer a dog to have two dark "haws", but will accept one or both upigmented eyes on an otherwise good dog. Although it is possible to have fully pigmented eyes with white head markings, the incidence of unpigmented third eyelids occuring is more common in these dogs, than in dogs with "plain" faces.)
Therefore as a judge, if the dog in front of you is a better specimen STRUCTURALLY, than the other dogs in the class, the unpigmented eye/eyes should be ignored.
Explaining the Skull of the Boxer > > >
Furrows on Top of Skull
The head should be "clean", and free of wrinkle. Furrows will appear on the top of the head only, when the dog is alerted.
(Wrinkles or furrows appearing on the sides of the skull, should be penalised.)
Excessive wrinkling leads to a "heavy" looking head - not clean as the standard requires.
The skin must be thin, not be thick, as thick heavy skin not only makes the head look wider but allows the flews to be too deep and heavy, pulling the eye sockets down and spoiling the expression.
Wrinkles or small folds will be evident on each side of the muzzle which fills in the break between muzzle
and skull. (See History and Purpose )
Slight, but not excessive "quilting" is also evident over the bridge of the
nose helping to pad out the muzzle.
If the ears are cropped they should stand firmly erect, if uncropped they are medium sized, and high set, carried slightly lifted and tilted forward towards the side of the cheeks.
In both cases the ears are very mobile.
Head Markings
The dark mask is confined to the muzzle area and should not extend too far upwards on the skull creating a sombre expression. The mask must be as dark as possible and not diluted!
A dark shading is always evident around the eyes, but a small break of coat colour should be evident on the side of the head between this shading and the mask on the actual muzzle area. This is more evident in fawn Boxers than in brindle Boxers.
Athough the dark mask is required in the standard, many dogs have white markings across their muzzle and between their eyes. These markings can look attractive, as long as they do not cover the dark mask entirely.
Plain black faces are also very attractive and equally acceptable in the show ring.
Don't ever let "off centre", or uneven head markings distract you from appreciating an otherwise good head. These markings are very common and quite acceptable on a Boxer.
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