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FROM THE SIDELength of Muzzle
The muzzle is measured from the tip of the nose to the top of the forehead between the ears on a ratio of 1:2 which means that the muzzle in one third the length of the head from tip of the nose to between the ears
and half the length of the top skull.
 Correct way to measure the head. Additional length will be found in front of the muzzle bacause of the padding filling in the gap between the top and bottom teeth. |
 Incorrect way to measure the head. Notice how short the actual muzzle is here because the length has been measure from in front of the nose instead of from tip of muzzle. |
 Measured like this the ratio is 1:3
The actual muzzle from tip of the nose to between the eyes is one quarter the length of the whole head, or one third the length of the top skull.
(NB: all measurements are taken from bone width and depth not padding)
These examples show how the Boxer head can resemble a brick. Not a true house brick but a rectangular brick just the same! :-)
The measurements are taken from the complete length of the head from chin to back of skull.
As you can see above, the internal measurements DO NOT alter a brick shape... only one is a longer brick than the other!
- Neither the correct measurement (ie, 1:3 as required by the standard, which means the MUZZLE should be one third the length of the WHOLE HEAD measured from tip of nose to occiput)
- nor the incorrect measurement (ie, 1:4 now commonly seen in Europe, which means the MUZZLE is one quarter the length of the WHOLE HEAD measured from tip of nose to occiput)
- alters the shape of a brick!
BUT the head can be also called square.....
The skull on both examples above resemble a square, but the muzzle on the Euro Boxer is deeper and more rectangular than the USA dog on the left.

Both style heads measure "a square on a square", the muzzle being approximately 75% or at lease 66% (2:3) the width of the skull
(Note the difference a shorter ear with a wider bell makes to the head - and the smaller nose!)
Looking down on the heads...
Both heads resemble a brick shape, one more rectangular than the other
- the head on the left (representing the USA head) is still "a square on a square",
- the head on the right (Euro head) is not, even with a more pronounced chin.
(Remember it is BONE being measured not padding, and the actual length of the COMPLETE SKULL and COMPLETE MUZZLE!)
 Click here for larger version
(NB: This show the undershot bite that is required on a Boxer and is obviously a representation only as some teeth are missing and the bottom teeth are not in a straight line!)
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